Heed the Dark Urge and check out Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch 7, which adds 13 new evil endings plus official mod tools

Did you forget about Baldur’s Gate 3? Because Baldur’s Gate 3 did not forget about you. Specifically, it did not forget about the incorrigible evil-doers amongst you who’ve been gunning for some additional plot catharsis. Larian’s very bestest RPG has been biding its time in the shadows while you’ve been busy with other games. It has lingered silently while you’ve been off heisting on Tatooine or getting all messed up by Golden-Eyed Beasts, waiting and watching for the perfect moment – and now, it has finally struck with an unholy new patch, which adds 13 new Evil Endings, revamped splitscreen and an official modding toolkit. Foolish summer child! It is too late to flee.

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