In handsome metroidvania Alruna And The Necro-Industrialists you are a dryad fighting the corpse of capitalism

Alruna And The Necro-Industrialists opens with paired quotes from T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland and Mad Max: Fury Road – a blend of influences that would typically get you kicked out of the Creative Writing Club for being simultaneously too fancy and too obvious, but the game beyond the epigraph looks pretty swish.

It’s “a compact and high-density Metroidvania, with a focus on sequence-breaking and playing things out of order”. It uses a square aspect display ratio calibrated to give wizened Game Boy enthusiasts the shakes, and is made up of 200 single-screen rooms that “slot into the larger puzzle-box of the world”. Also, you play a thorn witch who looks a bit like 1950s Tinkerbell, with a touch of Betty Boop. Here’s a trailer.

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