Courtney Cox Isn’t Signed On For Scream 7…Yet

Courtney Cox is the only actress who has been in every Scream movie since 1996. But despite reports that Cox had signed on to Scream 7 back in March, she’s not actually locked down to reprise her role as Gale Weathers for the next sequel. And she doesn’t seem to be in a hurry about it.

“I’m not officially signed on,” Cox told Variety. “I’m not, but there will be a Scream 7.” Cox also mentioned that she doesn’t have a timeframe to make her decision, but she is being kept in the loop about the script. “They’re rewriting all the time,” said Cox. “It’s not like I don’t know what’s going on.”

Cox also expressed her enthusiasm for director Kevin Williamson–the original screenwriter of the franchise–who has been signed to bring Scream 7 to the big screen. “You can’t get better than that choice,” noted Cox. “It’s going to be fun.”

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