Confused by Diablo 4’s Fortify and Barrier systems? This tool makes them… less confusing

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably spent a fair number of hours already playing Diablo 4 since its release. But whether or not you’re a grind fiend who’s going for the six rarest items, or just a casual player who’s yet to even finish the campaign, Diablo 4 is full of systems that aren’t very well explained.

Case in point: Barrier, and Fortified. Both can be plainly described as bonuses to your health, but each of them works differently, and the benefits from having one or both active also vary. That lack of clarity has actually been a common point of discussion among hardcore players experimenting with builds.

To make it a little more simple to understand Barrier, and Fortified, it helps to see a side-by-side visual representation outside of the chaos of the game. This is what Reddit user d4fuQQ created. Their design breaks down how your health globe looks with various stages of Barrier, and whether you’re also Fortified or not.

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