The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection has a content warning for “the creator’s original vision”

In a slightly odd move for a collection of ports, the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Volume 1 includes a content warning over some of its material.

As reported by GamesRadar, booting any of the games up in the collection will greet you with a generic warning about the game’s content. “This game contains expressions and themes which may be considered outdated. However, these elements have been included without alteration to preserve the historical context in which the game was made and the creator’s original vision. Player discretion is advised,” reads the warning.

Now, probably quite obviously, the “creator” in question is almost definitely in reference to none other than Hideo Kojima, because let’s be honest, who else could it be talking about. Presumably just vaguely referring to Kojima as the creator in such a way, when his name is likely present all over the games’ credits, is just a way of being polite. After all, it would seem a bit scathing to so directly say that all of this stuff that needs a content warning is down to this one guy.

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