The best game streaming service is getting a bit better – GeForce Now updates revealed at CES

Streaming full-fat, high-end triple-A video games to you over the cloud is becoming big business, but the quality of the services on offer varies massively. For our money, GeForce Now is one of (if not the) best option around – and when it’s firing on all cylinders, it genuinely feels like magic. With that in mind, here’s some great news from CES: the service is about to get a little bit better.

Announced as part of Nvidia’s wide-ranging showing at the 2024 edition of the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show, the graphics power house reaffirmed its commitment to the game streaming space – with expansions and new features coming to the GeForce Now service.

For a start, more countries will be able to access GeForce Now more conveniently and at higher quality. There’s new data centers launching to support Poland, Chile, and Thailand, while Japan gets access to new servers that unlock the ‘Ultimate’ version of the service, where the server machines you stream the games from are powered by the beefy RTX 4080 graphics cards.

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