Steam Keeps Getting Bigger, Yet Again Breaks User Records

Steam just had one of its best few days ever in terms of concurrent users and players in-game, with more than 33,675,000 users online for January 7.

That’s a new record, according to Steam DB, which tracks all kinds of data pertaining to Valve’s popular PC gaming platform. On January 6, Steam also broke a new record for number of players in-game, with more than 10,837,000 players actually playing. It was back in January of 2023 that Steam broke 10,000,000 players in-game for the first time.

As for the games that users were playing the most over January 6-7 to break those records, they are mostly the usual suspects. Valve’s own games continue to be among the most popular on the platform, with more than 1.2 million players fragging each other in Counter-Strike 2 on January 7 and Valve’s MOBA Dota 2 surpassing 730,000 players. Team Fortress 2 also broke the top 10, with nearly 160,000 players on January 7.

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