The Pokemon Company addresses the whole Palworld thing without actually mentioning, well, Palworld

Following what feels like years worth of debate on social media and in other places about Palworld and the fact that some aspects of it are a bit similar to Pokemon, the company responsible for the latter has issued a statement acknowledging it. Well, sort of.

We’ve already had some actual lawyers weigh in on the whole Palworld/Pokemon discourse – which has largely stemmed from the designs used for a few of the former’s models – earlier this week, providing some insight that’s a little bit less unhinged than the kind of armchair legal expert patter that’s been going on elsewhere. Now, The Pokemon Company has decided to say something, though it’s not a whole lot.

In a quite corporately-worded statement posted to its corporate website, the company wrote: “We have received many inquiries regarding another company’s game released in January 2024.” No points for guessing which January release is being referred to there.

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