Assassin’s Creed Mirage review: the most enjoyable Assassin’s Creed game for years

I’m close to being whatever the Assassin’s Creed equivalent of a Pokémon genwunner is. It’s not like I’m snobby about the newer, more action-oriented Creeds; I welcomed the shift brought in by Assassin’s Creed Origins, which shook the series up a bit, and I loved Cassandra kicking her way around Ancient Greece. Valhalla, although it had a relative dearth of things to parkour around, was a fun open-world RPG. Which I suppose is the point.

Assassin’s Creed hasn’t been a game about a group of assassins following a creed and striking from the shadows for a long time. Here I would say that Basim, protagonist of Assassin’s Creed Mirage kicks down the door and kills everyone in the room, except this new entry in the series is smaller, more focused, and once again concerned largely with stealth, and is all the better for it. So it’s more appropriate to say Basim snuck in through an open window and is choking everyone out one by one.

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