Baldur’s Gate 3 sex% speedrunners have finally broken through the two minute barrier

Good news! The incredibly determined speedrunning community that’s been competing to see who can find the quickest way to reach a romantic encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3 have now managed to spawn the world’s first sub two minute sex% run.

The runner responsible for finally smashing the barrier, which has been lurking on the horizon ever since amorously-themed jaunts through the game began to pop up in late August, goes by the username Mae. Fittingly, their early runs, one of which clocked in at 3 minutes and 26 seconds, proving was enough to temporarily grab the world record for sex% runs, were among those that really brought the category to the world’s attention during the summer.

Now, they’ve successfully obliterated that and all previous marks by completing the world’s first sub-two minute BG3 sex% speedrun, coming home (please stop being dirty-minded) in a blistering one minute and 58 seconds.

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