Best Of 2023: Baldur’s Gate 3’s Best Set Piece Reaches Into Its Dungeon-Delving Roots

A lot of airtime and screen-space has been spent talking about just how big Baldur’s Gate 3 is. And it’s massive, even growing bigger consistently as the game gets an array of foundation-altering patches. However, Baldur’s Gate 3 best sings in its relentless commitment to careful combat and dungeon design. Rosemyrn Monastery is RPG level design at its most straightforward and its most dazzling.

In its overall structure, Rosemyrn sharply inverts the typical dungeon: Above is the dungeon, below the town. The space-faring warriors, the Githyanki, have taken the area below the monastery as their Créche, but most of the monastery itself–the above-ground areas that were once overflowing with clergy, pilgrims, and other guests–is almost entirely abandoned. Rosemyrn was dedicated to the god of dawn, Lithander, and many ventured there to ask his favor.

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