Check out this extremely thoughtful indie horror game simulation of shitting

Spencer Yan’s My Work Is Not Yet Done is a narrative-driven investigative horror game that combines elements of the survival and simulation genres with a plot exploring “the imbrication and dissolution of human identities/meanings within uncanny wilderness”, to quote the project’s Github page. It follows the final days of Avery, last surviving member of a doomed hunt for the source of a strange transmission, and sees you performing complex acts of maintenance upon environmental sensors, while picking through journals and other found documents so as to “to discern the most viable ‘truth’ behind both Avery’s mission and the signal itself”.

It’s all wrapped up in a dense, warping two-tone aesthetic with shifting naturalistic sounds that makes my breath catch in my chest. I love everything I’ve seen and heard about Yan’s game, but I don’t think I’ve ever done it justice in writing, and I doubt today’s efforts will address this. For you see, what I’d like to call your attention to right now is the game’s complex recreation of shitting.

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