Gears 5 | ACT 2 – Chapter 4 – Main Quest Components

ACT II: Chapter 4 – Main Quests

Once you get inside of the gate, stay near the left side of the facility. Go straight up the stairs, and climb the ladder. Defeat all enemies and continue going straight to the room at the end. Once inside the room, look left, you’ll see a yellow Utility box.


Before you head back to the Skiff, go through the newly opened gate and look to the right. You’ll see a utility box holding components.

East Comm Tower

Fight your way up to the tower. Once you get in and past the cutscene, head down the stairs. Immediately make a sharp right, and you’ll see the component on the ground.


Continue through the story. Once you move into the next room look right, and you’ll see a Component on top of the filing cabinet.


While heading towards the Skiff, you’ll head down a flight of stairs. At the bottom, make a sharp left, and you’ll find a utility box.

North Comm Tower

Head through to the North Comm Tower. You’ll run into a wrecked condor. Have Jack open the safe, and you’ll find a component


As you continue to make your to the Tower, you’ll run into a Warden. Once you defeat the Warden head straight up to the tower. Take the stairs to the right, and defeat all of the enemies. Once defeated, you’ll find a safe to your right. Component can be found in there.


Once you head into the tower, take a Left and head into the room. Immediately when you enter the room, you’ll see a utility box.

Abandoned Mine

Before you enter the mine, look to your left, and you will see a Big wheel semi-buried in the snow. Walk towards it, and you’ll notice there is a fully covered up Component.


When you head down the path to the mines, you’ll come to a location with a view of the mine. Head down the slope, and take a right. Walk into the train car, and look right. The component will be on top of some boxes.


Make your way through the campaign. Once you defeat all of the baddies, and continue to the mine, you’ll reach the point where Kait has a Vision. Have Del help you open the garage door and proceed to the next area. Once there, there is a room to right, and a safe that Jack can open. Components are there.


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