Immortals Of Aveum review: a sometimes fun magical romp that lacks spark

A challenge: hold your arm at a right angle to your torso, bent at the elbow so you can see your wrist and hand in the corner of your eye. Keep it there for as long as you can. Hurts after a while, huh? This is the default position for Jak, awesome FPS wizard with a magic gun arm, and possessor of a personality so inoffensive that when I am not playing the game I struggle to remember he exists. I noticed how hard it is to hold your arm in wizard mode when I was about 10 hours into the 20-or-so span of Immortals Of Aveum, and half way through is too early for a game to make me go all Cinema Sins out of boredom.

Despite this, I very much appreciate Immortals Of Aveum taking a crack at a good old-fashioned mid-length action adventure. There are shining moments where it’s great fun (though sometimes by accident; I have never, in my life, laughed so hard at some tiny wee orphans being exploded in front of me), but it’s let down by its FPS combat becoming too repetitive too early, which is the kiss of death for a game built around shooting stuff. It also commits the terrible crime of taking itself too seriously, but then I level that charge at most fantasy I encounter.

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