James Gunn Rules Out One Very High-Profile Actor For Superman Legacy

DC Studios boss James Gunn has shared new information on who he wants to play Superman in the upcoming Superman Legacy film that he is writing. Speaking to Variety, Gunn said the studio is already looking at “some really great choices,” but he did not share any names except to confirm that it won’t be Chris Pratt.

Superman Legacy will focus on a younger Clark Kent, so Pratt wouldn’t work. “It’s not Chris Pratt. If he was a few years younger, maybe.” Pratt recently revealed that he auditioned for numerous superhero roles over the years and got rejected for all of them until Gunn cast him as Star-Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy series.

Gunn went on to discuss at a high level what he’s looking for in an actor. “The next Superman has to be someone who has all the humanity that Superman has but he’s also an alien,” Gunn said. “It’s gotta be somebody who has the kindness and the compassion that Superman has and be somebody who you want to give a hug.”

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