Overwatch: Classic Is Bringing Back 6v6 In Overwatch 2 For A Limited-Time

Overwatch 2 is returning to the original Overwatch’s 6v6 format (and all of its original character abilities and maps) for a limited-time in an upcoming event mode Blizzard is calling Overwatch: Classic.

It is basically as the name implies; from November 12 to December 2, Overwatch 1 will essentially be playable inside Overwatch 2. That means the mode will only feature the game’s original roster of 21 heroes and their original abilities, on modes and maps from Overwatch 1. It also means that, at least for the first few days of the event, “there will be no hero limits and no role limits,” as was the case when Overwatch first launched. After those first few days, a single hero rule per team will be enforced for the remainder of Overwatch: Classic, according to Blizzard’s announcement blog.

As Blizzard describes it, the event brings back the “chaotic” gameplay from Overwatch 1, complete with some of the roster’s completely match-altering abilities, like Mercy’s team-reviving Resurrect ultimate or Symmetra’s powerful, map-spanning teleporters. It also means a return to friendly-fire, as D.VA and Junkrat will once again be able to harm themselves with their abilities.

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