Quantum Break Is Not Part Of The Remedy Connected Universe (Wink, Wink)

Remedy Entertainment has confirmed that its 2016 game, Quantum Break, isn’t part of the Remedy Connected Universe (RCU), once again speaking to the fact that the studio doesn’t own the IP, even as the game does “echo” into RCU projects. Similarly, the upcoming Max Payne remakes from Remedy will not be in the RCU, Remedy confirmed. In both cases, the reason for this is the same: Remedy doesn’t own the IP like it does with Alan Wake and Control.

In an interview, Entertainment Weekly asked creative director Sam Lake about a popular fan theory that suggests that Alan Wake 2’s Mr. Door and Quantum Break’s Martin Hatch are the same character. “The easy, clear answer is that, out of our past games, Max Payne and Quantum Break are not part of the Remedy Connected Universe,” Lake said. “They are not part of Remedy’s plans.”

Lake added, however, that he enjoys seeing people come up with their own theories and doesn’t want to shoot them down–it’s part of the fun. “That being said, in a purely speculative, Easter egg kind of way, I do love the idea of enabling our audience to come up with theories. I don’t want to shoot them down on that level. We are making questions possible and giving ideas to people that they can then form their own theories.”

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