Reality Bytes: Vampire: The Masquerade – Justice wants to be a bite sized Dishonored, but is defanged by sloppy design

I’m beginning to think we should bury Vampire: The Masquerade back in the forsaken graveyard where it was originally dug up, or at least banish the toothy reprobate back to its pen & paper castle. I don’t know how White Wolf’s RPG is viewed in the land of table tops these days, but here in computerville it has delivered exactly one good video game in the last 25 years (and don’t come gibbering to me about 2022’s Swansong, it wasn’t fit to polish Bloodlines’ fangs). Sure, Bloodlines 2 might prove a winner, but given years of delays and a developer change, I’ll believe it when I see it.

Which brings us to Vampire: The Masquerade – Justice, the beleaguered series’ first prowl through the rain-slick streets of VR. In theory, this should be exactly my cup of haemoglobin; a gothic, linear stealth game where you use your vampire powers to sneak across the rooftops of Venice. In its mechanics and design, Justice aspires to be a cut down version of Dishonored. Unfortunately, it’s in the cutting down where most of its problems arise. It’s too cramped, too basic, and too fuzzy around the edges, and the whole experience ends up being a bit mid.

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