Starfield community creates logo on r/places – is overtaken by Italian Twitch streamer

Starfield players shot for the stars and re-created the game’s logo on r/places, a hugely popular digital collage board where vast communities represent their favourite people, places, and general stuff. However, their hopes were dashed by a single Italian Twitch streamer.

The logo did exist for a brief, beautiful period, as immortalized with a post by user The_Irish_Rover26 on the Starfield Reddit. However, the eventual tragic destruction was also catalogued thanks to salty replies.

“Yeah, some garbage Twitch streamer invaded like they’ve done to so many other communities’ creations. Fuck streamers,” writes user Niitte. On the other hand, rationalization came in the form of forward-thinking Starfield fans, like user Razcsi, who has hope that future iterations on r/places will have a bigger Starfield presence: “Too few people are active here, and even fewer care about place. Give it a couple years until the next place and I bet there will be much more people who’ll happily draw some Starfield related content on there.”

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