Why Star Wars Jedi: Survivor doesn’t hit reset on Cal’s combat abilities

An important Star Wars question is: what colour lightsaber would you have? The lightsaber is the mood ring of elegant weapons for a more civilised age. Jason de Heras, design director on Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, agrees with me on the purple blade (a colour introduced to the canon specifically because Samuel L. Jackson wanted it for his character in the prequels). “I was like, ‘we gotta have a pink lightsaber blade’,” says production director Kasumi Shishido. “So whenever I play I always stick with my pink saber.”

Shishido tells me the dev team focused on improving on Jedi: Fallen Order for this sequel, and one of the bigger areas where they did that was customisation. “We knew we wanted to put more resources and effort into it,” she says. “There’s a lot more that you can do with Cal, with BD… and just within Cal, it’s not just outfits you can customise, so I’m just really excited to see what players are going to do with it.”

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