Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom user reviews are ranging from top to bottom scores

Now that players have gotten their hands on The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, user reviews are starting to come in, with some not rating it as highly as critics.

We’ve still got a good chunk of the year left to go, but at this point in time Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the highest rated game of all time on OpenCritic. That’s an impressive feat to accomplish, especially when Breath of the Wild was on that list in second place. While it doesn’t have the same spot on Metacritic, it is the highest rated game of the year so far over there. But Metacritic also features user reviews, which helps build out a bigger picture of the wider consensus, and as spotted by Eurogamer, the game does have its share of negative and mixed reviews – though only just over 400 compared to the over 2000 positive reviews.

Still, balance or not, players still have their criticisms of the game. A number of the user reviews featured on the site make specific reference to how the game is still too different from classic Zelda titles, supposedly not featuring dungeons (it should be noted that there are dungeons, and they’re a lot more similar to older Zelda games, even if they don’t give you a unique tool acting as the gimmick).

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