Following the kick off of EA Sports FC 24 TOTS, its latest update stops managers from cheekily dodging firings

Hello there, EA Sports FC 24 lovers. I know it’s been a little while and you’ve just started getting some nice Team of the Season Ultimate Team upgrades to collect, but a fresh title update’s also just rocked up for the game. Sadly, it’s without any freaky red and blue non-humans to demo changes, and it stops you from, er, avoiding unemployment.

Yes, you heard me. Stop trying to pack Kai Havertz for a minute, this a serious one for folks who love playing manager mode, and can’t resist keeping the threat of being let go switched on, even though all of their signings always turn out to be terrible and their tactics haven’t evolved since 2004.

As detailed in the notes for EA FC 24’s title update 13, one of the fixes it enacts stops Career Mode managers casually frauding their way back into jobs. Basically, what was previously happening was that sometimes, when your club decided to chuck you out of the window for spending $100 million on a goalie and then playing him as a number 10 and terminated your contract, “the next job offer [you got] could have incorrectly been for the same club”.

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