I talked to Nvidia’s AI NPC: it’s impressive, uncanny, an ethical nightmare, and inevitably here to stay – like it or not

Usually, when you go to see one of the big hardware powerhouses, the presentations are primarily focused around… well, you know – hardware. That’s been shifting over the years, however, as specialized software becomes an increasingly vital part of the computer hardware battleground.

Nvidia has led much of this charge. When you buy an RTX-series GPU, you’re not just buying it for the raw rasterization power – that is to say, how many pixels and frames it can push with the maximum visual bells and whistles enabled. You’re also buying it for specific software implementation that will aid in the presentation of your games – stuff like DLSS and Frame Generation, which can boost frame rates without sacrificing visual splendor, or Reflex, which aims to reduce input lag.

All of this is of course part of a greater graphics arms race. When one feature gets added by one manufacturer, the other fires back with an equivalent or better alternative. As this race deepens, Nvidia sees a chance to synchronize gaming with its other key interest – Artificial Intelligence.

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